Just the Facts

There has been a tremendous response from all the Mariners in the Class of ’64. We expect a big crowd, there will be plenty of opportunity to catch up on old times and make new acquaintances. For the benefit of those who have purchased tickets already (and to inspire those who have not acted yet) here is a list of current information and important facts relating to the reunion.

Who is Coming: Want to see who else will be at the reunion? Once registered on the web site, login to your personal page and go to the Yearbook tab. There you will see the other classmates who are attending.

Place: The Proud Bird Restaurant
             1022 Aviation Blvd.
             Los Angeles, CA 90045
             (310) 670-3093 Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014

Time: 6:00 pm - 12:00 midnight

Cocktails: (cash bar): 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
             The bar will remain open during the rest of the evening.

Buffet Dinner: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
             The buffet will include a selection of entrees, side dishes and a dessert station.
             There will be a vegetarian entrée. If you have other dietary restrictions please              send an email to Debbie (Sullivan) Levin at deborahlevin@cox.net. Let us know              by August 22nd so that we have time to make arrangements with the restaurant.

Music/Dancing: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
             There will be a DJ who will provide broad range of music to accompany our meal              and get us out on the dance floor.

Photos: We have a photographer who will be taking pictures of couples and candid group shots throughout the evening. The committee will prepare an album of selected pictures to be available through our web site. Additional pictures will be available on the photographer's web site (for a modest charge).

Parking: Complementary parking is adjacent to the restaurant.

Dress: California Casual. Men - collared shirts and slacks or nice jeans. Women – dress or blouse with skirt, slacks or nice jeans. There will be patio seating so you may wish to bring a sweater or light coat.

Deadline for Ticket Sales:
The final headcount must be fixed by September 5th. You must be registered on the web site and have paid by credit card or check by that date. No ticket sales at the door.

Cancellation Policy: Tickets may be cancelled up to September 5th with a full refund. No refunds for cancellations after September 5th. You can cancel by contacting Richard Havel rhavel@sidley.com or Debbie (Sullivan) Levin DeborahLevine@cox.net.

Follow Up Information: If we haven’t answered one of your questions, just contact any of the Committee Members listed under the “Contact Us” tab on the web site.


Tour of School - September 13 at 2:30 pm: We have arranged for a tour of the school through the Alumni office. It is scheduled for Saturday, September 13 and starts at 2:30 pm in Cantwell Auditorium. The tour should last approximately 1 hour. There is no fee, but we need to get a reasonable headcount. I have already heard from several of our classmates who will attend. If you plan on attending and have not already advised me send an email to rhavel@sidley.com. If you want more information about the tour please, contact Diane Mayer in the Alumni office at telephone (310) 394-3701 or email alumni@stmonicahs.net.

Golf Outing
- Friday, September 12: Stan Logsdon and Ken Hector have set up a great day of golf. On Friday the outing will be at the Malibu Country Club with first tee time around 11:00 am. Stan says there are already several foursomes signed up to include luminaries such as Ray Sabersky, Tom Mack, Bob & Tom Lennon, Joni (Esser) Gregg and others. Act soon because there are only a few tee times left. Even if you don’t golf come along for the ride to keep score, and cheer on your classmates. Non-golfers can also join the group at the 19th hole for refreshments. If you have any interest please contact Stan Logsdon at logride1@cox.net or Ken Hector at kenhec65@gmail.com.