If you have any information, questions, ideas or just want to say "Hi" don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


The Contact Committee:

Email Address
Paul Daspit pdstamant@yahoo.com 619 / 384-6405
Bill Diebold wdiebold@charter.net 818 / 625-5878
Joni Esser Gregg jonigg@verizon.net 310 / 951-5371
Richard Havel richhavel@outlook.com 310 / 204-4239
Ken Hector kenhec65@gmail.com (503) 551-3577
Debbie Sullivan Levin Deborahlevin@cox.net 949 / 721-1557
Stan Logsdon stanlogsdonsr@gmail.com 310 / 801-5916
Bruno Tonin brunotonin@sbcglobal.net (805) 909-7666
Clare (Stang) Walsh clarewalsh14@gmail.com (310) 404-4847.
(Lot's of overlapping here...everyone kind of does everything)....want to help? Contact us SOON!